I chose Heidelberg because it felt like home and could offer me a ton of opportunities.
I double majored in Athletic Training and Human and Health Performance because I knew I wanted to get into the healthcare profession in some way, but at the time was not completely sure. Little did I know it would help me fulfill my new career goal of becoming a high school athletic trainer.
A major challenge I faced at Heidelberg was COVID and I handled it by reaching out and staying in contact with my friends and family. I also really focused on my time management.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to succeed in the future and has helped me create amazing relationships that will help me as I start my professional career.
Outside of the classroom I was involved in the Athletic Training Program, Women's Basketball, Iota Beta Gamma (AT Honorary), SAAC, Intramurals, Cru and Religious Life.
My favorite extracurricular activity was Cru because it allowed me to connect with people who have the same beliefs as me and I loved seeing people grow in their faith. I felt like Cru has begun to make a positive impact on our campus.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my 'Berg experience is Dr. Genna Fusco because she cared for me and my other fellow students outside of what was happening in our academics. She always encouraged me to push through, especially during COVID, when things got hard. Not only was Genna a mentor for me in the Athletic Training Program, but also through Cru. She has been an impact in my life and someone I truly look up to and strive to be.
My favorite memory at Heidelberg is when I got the chance to work with the football team through athletic training and I got to watch them win the West Championship vs. ONU. This was a special moment given everything they encountered this season, this was a true representation of the Berg and Family.
My plans after graduation are to attend Ohio University Dublin's 12-month Athletic Training Residency in partnership with Ohio Health and I will be working full time at a Columbus high school.